New poem ‘Dark of the Moon’ up at Mookychick
Dark of the Moon by Robin Throne
Dark of the Moon by Robin Throne
A Critical Review of Gender Parity and Voice Dispossession Among Executive Women in Higher Education Leadership (Chapter 5) Coauthors Dr. Tricia Stewart and Dr. Lesley Anne Evans In Accessibility and Diversity in the 21st Century University Edited by Gary A. BergĀ andĀ Linda Venis
Autoethnography and Heuristic Inquiry for Doctoral-Level Researchers: Emerging Research and Opportunities has been named by IGI Global as a Core Reference title again for 2020
‘The Valley of Tears’ by Robin Throne Proposals Submission Deadline: July 10, 2019 Extended July 31, 2019Full Chapters Due: October 7, 2019Submission Date: January 13, 2020
January 2019 The Cotton Breath, an allegorical novella [arts-based research] (Anaphora Literary, 2019) Who owns a life? Roman civil law was the basis for eighteenth century South Carolina slavery legislation, and partus sequitur ventrem meant literally “that which is brought forth follows the womb,” meaning a child was born a slave if the mother was a slave, freeRead more about 2019 New Releases[…]