Guest Blog for PRIM&R Ampersand
Belmont Justice and Fair, Equitable, and Inclusive Research Recruitment Robin Throne, PhD
Belmont Justice and Fair, Equitable, and Inclusive Research Recruitment Robin Throne, PhD
Conference paper Memory, Resilience, and Voice among Finnmark Sámi Women: A Spatiotemporal Critical Review to be presented at the 5th Memory, Affects, and Emotions International Interdisciplinary Conference, Gdansk, Poland [Virtual]
DARK FEMININE by Robin Throne Dark Feminine: Poetry, prose & the in-between: (Softcover: $15, 56pp, 6X9”: ISBN: 979-8-386459-03-1; ISBN: 979-8-386459-40-6; Kindle: $2.99; LCCN: 2023904536; Nonfiction—Poetry—Women Authors; Release: March 12, 2023; Purchase on Amazon via links): A collection of poetry and prose that reflects a decades-long journey into Jung’s dark feminine. This collection reflects the insights andRead more about Anaphora Literary Press sets March 2023 release of DARK FEMININE[…]
Beyond the Dissertation Manuscript: A Duoethnography of the Elucidation of Doctoral Researcher Agency in Deconstructing Doctoral Discourses (pp 305–319)
“ADVERSE TRENDS IN DATA ETHICS: THE AI BILL OF RIGHTS AND HUMAN SUBJECTS PROTECTIONS”, was recently listed on SSRN’s Top Ten download list for: InfoSciRN: Data Protection (Topic), InfoSciRN: Information Control (Topic), InfoSciRN: Information Privacy (Topic) and InfoSciRN: Other Artificial Intelligence (Sub-Topic).
Indigenous Research of Land, Self, and Spirit (Editor, R. Throne, 2021) Indexed by Scopus Elsevier Recently, Scopus, one of the leading and most trusted indexing databases, included 592 IGI Global reference books in their book database…IGI Global would like to acknowledge and congratulate the editors and authors who made distinguished contributions to these reference publications.Read more about Indigenous Research of Land, Self, and Spirit indexed in Scopus and continues SSH Bestseller[…]
I am very honored to contribute the Foreword to Dr. Abeni El Amin’s new collection Implementing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Management in Organizational Change Initiatives
Social Justice Research Methods for Doctoral Research R. Throne, Editor
Self-as-Subject for Doctoral Research has been selected to be included as Chapter 8 in the anthology: Research Anthology on Innovative Research Methodologies and Utilization Across Multiple Disciplines (IGI Global, 2022)
From IGI Global “Recently, we have seen the diversity, equity, and inclusion movement come to the forefront across academia and higher education. Unfortunately, we have seen this movement not be prioritized in the publishing industry for years, which has jeopardized the future of innovation and research progression. Through this mindset and the current dialogue aroundRead more about Indigenous Research of Land, Self, and Spirit Featured in DEI eBook Collection[…]